Stan’s Overlook 2/23/2021

What Stan Looked Over

I couldn’t stand not hiking so I went out today, in spite of a nasty forecast. “Heavy rain” followed by thunderstorms. But tough. My commitment was rewarded when the forecast turned out to be bogus. It did not rain at all. I made it to Stan’s safe and dry.

However, I did get to appreciate the fact that when I hike I always pack my micro-spikes. Today they were needed. The last .75 mile or so was hard-packed snow, slippery and not easy to navigate. When I put on the spikes, no prob.

Stan’s Overlook

Stan’s is not a huge deal but it does have a bench and a picnic table, neither very inviting today.

For the first time ever, mine was the only car in the parking lot as I left the lot and started on the trail:

Almost Empty Lot

I need to pick up the pace and not let the weather deter me. My plan to do Sourdough Mountain in August is going to require some training and the sooner I get serious about it the better.