PTC Trail 2/28/2021

Christmas Lake From the North

I did a pretty easy 5-miler today. It was drizzly and there was a lot of very slick snow on the ground just a few feet above the PTC Trail so I just went east to the start of the Olallie Trail (discovering a small side trail along the way that bears more investigation), turned around, did the Christmas Lake Trail, then wandered over to Rattlesnake Lake and then back to the car.

I snapped the photo above on the north side of Christmas Lake, looking south rather than my usual spot on the west side of the lake looking east.

I love this rock, which looks like it would be a challenge for the rock climbers:

“The Rock”
Misty Day

I think I only saw four or five people all day, it was just drizzly and cool and slick. But still fun, and much better than just hanging out indoors. Also, I was energized today because I got my first Covid vaccine yesterday. Progress!