Mission Ridge 8/4/2020

A View Along The Trail

This week our extended family spent time in eastern Washington and, on Tuesday, Derek and I took the opportunity of being near bigger mountains to do a hike on the Mission Ridge trail.

It was a very nice 13 miler with about 3,500 feet of elevation gain. During the hike, which featured big ‘up’ sections and big ‘down’ section, we speculated about what the elevation profile would look like. Here it is:

This was a really beautiful hike. This part of the world features much bigger mountains than we have near Seattle. We started at an elevation of 4,600 feet, a higher elevation than the summit of many of the mountains around here.

The trails we hit can be seen in the track below. Part of the time we were on a very nice service road and when we were, the views were stunning and continuous:

Mountain Meadow
A Little Shade

An excellent day, we had a great time, a good workout and it certainly was the high point of our trip for me.
