West Tiger Lowlands 2/1/2022

Tradition Lake

I did a fun but fairly gentle hike today, starting fairly late (lots of early rain). Up the Tradition Plateau trail, to Wetlands, to Bus, to Around-the-Lake, to Swamp, then Brink, to the last dregs of Big Tree, back down via Tradition Plateau Trail. Sounds like a lot but it is really fairly mild, the only serious elevation gain is in the first .4 miles.

Still, it was a nice 5.5 miler, through the forest, lots of fun. A decent workout. I will be looking for opportunities in the coming days and weeks. My favorite hikes are tough to do right now with so much snow, and possible avalanches. But Squak and Tiger are always around and there are no avalanches there.

The view at the top of the Tradition Plateau connector trail is over Issaquah, and you can see Lake Sammamish on the top, the silver slice:

Issaquah and Lake Sammamish

An OK Tuesday.