Tolt Pipeline Trail 2/25/2022

Norway Hill

I may get to Issaquah and Tiger Mountain tomorrow, but all my long trips to the CCC Trail, which is, round-trip, about 100 miles, have made me want to spend some time closer to home. Gas prices are through the roof again.

I parked near Bothell Landing, took the trail that is south of the Sammamish River to Blyth Park, then up Norway Hill (that alone is a terrific workout) and then Tolt to Sammamimish River Trail, back to Bothell Landing. About 9 miles.

Heading east on Tolt there is a great view of the mountains but my crappy camera and camera skills render the scene less than fascinating:


Good hike, very good workout. Sunny, cold, looking forward, as always, to my favorite season. Summer.