Tiger Mt./Section Line 12/5/2020

Sunlight If You Can See It

As usual, my photos do not even come close to capturing what motivated me to take the picture. Is there a word for that?

Anyway, once again I was hiking in relative gloom due to an early start. And then I got to the end of a switchback and I looked north and west and there, in the distance, the sun was lighting up a hillside a town or so away. It was nice.

But this was just another conditioning hike, up Section Line, down Nook Trail. I wanted to get home in time to drive to Remlinger Farms, which is in a city called Carnation, to pick up some very yummy edibles (e.g. their own brand of salad dressing, which is totally delicious, called Burgundy Poppyseed) for ourselves and for stocking stuffers.

Which we did and now we are back. Lots of rain in the forecast for next week but Monday should be OK and I am thinking of doing Grand Prospect.