Section Line/Nook Trails 2/7/2021

Colorful Stump

As always my lack of camera skills and a great camera mean that the pictures I take are very pale imitations of nature. The stump in this pic was really attractive. I was thinking of one of those paint-by-number oil painting kits. A real colorist would be able to identify all the different shades of green but on the trail I was only able to distinguish maybe five different hues. The wood was several different but similar colors, and the little fungus was a nice off-white. Very nice.

Trillium Bridge

My hike was from E. Sunset lot to Adventure Trail, up Section Line, down Nook, etc. This bridge is about 3/4 way up the Section Line trail. On the way down, I was on the Bus Trail, figuring to do my usual Wetlands route but there were a lot of people (and I am not vaccinated yet) on the Bus Trail so I detoured down the Around The Lake Trail back to Puget Power Trail. That means I got to see Tradition Lake:

Tradition Lake

A decent workout, nice way to start a Sunday.