Section Line 10/27/2021

Blow down

I haven’t hiked since last Thursday. It has been rainy and very windy around here. The rain doesn’t stop me but the wind does. Last Thursday the wind was just starting up and I heard a tree come crashing down not far from where I was. Really, the forest is not the safest place to be when the wind is howling.

I did my normal Section Line conditioning hike today, and there were a few large blow downs, such as the one above. In the photo it looks easy, but in fact it was a bit tough because the branches underneath it made it tough to go under, and it was large enough that I had to do a bit of climbing to get over. Naturally, I am glad I was not hiking there when it fell.

In spite of all the rain Round Lake was looking like a puddle:

This is Where Round Lake Should Be

This confirms for me that this little lake formed and is filled by the snow melt, not by the rain. In either case, it was nice to get out again. This weekend is supposed to be decent and as of now, Derek and I are scheduled to get out again, perhaps back to Quartz Mountain for another attempt, this time starting from the other end.