Neighborhood Walk 4/4/2020


Hiking is out – the trails are shut down. Our direction in this state is to only travel short distances and only for essential reasons.

We can go to the doctor or grocery store or drugstore. Jan can go to work (she works at a hospital). But otherwise, if you want to walk, you need to start the walk from your front door and not drive anywhere.

My typical walks around here are 3.5 to 4.5 miles. But starting today, whenever the weather even remotely cooperates, I will be doing something like what I did today, 9.15 miles.

Here is the Google Earth image of my track (I carried my Garmin along):


Our house is the little blue arrow just above the first ‘2’ in ‘2020’. A nice loop.

Here is a little scene that caught my eye:

C. R. Englund and gang signs

I am not a fan of gang graffiti, in general, but with my cheap camera you cannot read what the blue tag says (it says ‘Crips’) but it is kind of a nice splash of color on an otherwise bleak industrial scene.

Also, the truck is a C. R. Englund truck. It reminds me of the hundreds of very early morning (about 4am) walks I used to do in Renton, near where I worked for Boeing, when I used to walk by a place whose lot at that time was filled with C.R. Englund trucks.

This scene:


This little wetlands preservation site is feet from a very busy highway.

The neighborhood walks are no substitute for hiking on forested mountains – oh! how I miss them, particularly now with the snows starting to retreat in the back country – but they are better than nothing.