Mt. Teneriffe 6/1/2019

Mailbox Peak and Friends

Great hike today. I went to the summit of Mount Teneriffe, going the long way both directions (no Kamikaze Trail today, I won’t do that one solo). Beautiful day and perhaps a tad too beautiful. I totally soaked two sweat bands on the way up.

Teneriffe is one of those summits that is above the tree line and taller than everything in the immediate vicinity. And so you get an amazing 360 degree view.

The trail and the summit were packed. Here is the view looking south towards Rainier:

Rainier and South

You can see Teneriffe’s near western neighbor, Mount Si:

Mount Si

And the view north is also spectacular, featuring nearby Green Mountain:

North From Summit

Just under 14 miles, about 4,200 feet of elevation gain (parking lot is 830, summit is, per my Garmin, 4,750, plus there are quite a few ups and downs along the trail). A nice workout.

And when I was done I got to attend Finley and Camden’s joint birthday party. Great food, fun people, and plenty of presents to open.

Not sure what hikes I will be doing next week but none of them will measure up to this one. A really good hike.