Fragrance Lake 10/7/2021

Fragrance Lake

I have driven by the Fragrance Lake trailhead, which is located just off Chuckanut Drive a few miles south of Bellingham, many times. Every time, in fact, that we have driven up to the Fairhaven neighborhood of Bellingham. I always told myself I would check it out and today I did.

It turns out to be a decent, but not great hike. About 4.25 miles, including a .2 mile out-and-back viewpoint (of the Puget Sound, looking towards the southern spit of Canada):

The Sound

A beautiful day, workout enough and when I was done I drove up to Fairhaven and walked around. It was by then about 9:30 on a weekday morning, the place was not at all busy and I enjoyed exploring this neighborhood. When I have gone up there with Jan, on hot summer days on the weekend, the place is as jammed as any touristy place can be. But today – not so much.

The track:
