Christmas Lake et. al. 8/5/2021


I had a fun hike today, did just under 8 miles, but not much elevation gain. I have been trying to do one hike a week just for fun and today was that. I got semi-lost a couple of times, bushwhacked a bit, and saw a deer with her two fawns hanging out. I snapped a few pics of the deer but only one came out. I need to upgrade my camera and my camera skills.

I wandered to and fro, going wherever the mood struck. At one point I was on the Rattlesnake Mountain trail for a short way, I went around the NE end of the lake and I wandered up and past the Education Center which, according to the sign, is now open but only for 17 hours spread out between Thursday, Friday, and Saturday. Progress, I guess.

I will probably get out again on Sunday, based on the weather report, which shows some much needed rain on Saturday. I hope some of the wild fires get tamped down a bit. We are really hurting once again. This is the new normal, I am afraid.

The Lake