Cedar Butte/Olallie Trail 10/17/2020

Cool and Cloudy

Perfect hiking weather today, low 50’s, grey but not much rain.

I did the Cedar Butte/Southside Trail/Olallie Trail loop today. Last time I tried this I got off-trail and had a tough time. Today I figured out where I went wrong and it went smoothly.

When I hit Olallie I went right, east, to get in some extra elevation gain and mileage. I turned around at the viewpoint, thus adding about 2.6 miles to the hike. Total today of 8.65 miles.

As always, I love the forest:


And I also love how varied the topography is. Here is a little spot where, just off the trail, the hillside is super-steep and overgrown. Would not be fun to have to bushwhack down this way:

Looking Down

A very nice way to spend a Saturday morning, I was leaving the car to head up the trail at 8 am sharp. The track:
