Up Change Creek and more 6/14/2015

The Pond
The Pond

Many times hiking around the Mt. Washington area we have seen a pond down in a valley, way off.  Last Saturday we got tantalizingly close but did not get down to it.

Today, our overall goal was to hike up – as in starting low and going high – the Change Creek trail we hiked down last Saturday.  The last (longish) leg of our hike last week was down to the John Wayne/Iron Horse trail via Change Creek.

And one of our side trips was down one of the two trails that lead down to the pond.  And there it is.

We hit Hall’s Point and J’s Landing, both view points, along the way and discovered what appears to be a trail at J’s Landing that goes a long way up one of the spines around there.  Next time we go back we are going to investigate that one.

The morning sun hits it just right
The morning sun hits it just right

As usual, there was no shortage of ‘wow!’ moments, like the nice view above or this one, with Derek enjoying a mini-break:

Derek in a nice spot
Derek in a nice spot

Shortly after we hit the trail we noticed someone who wants it even steeper; note the purple rope you could use to pull yourself up:

Look for the purple rope
Look for the purple rope

Many awesome views around this neighborhood:

Criss-crossed with trails
Criss-crossed with trails
Nice neighborhood
Nice neighborhood

We think we did about 11.5 miles altogether.  Derek naturally wanted to get back to little Cam – who can blame him?

Next week I am going to be a marshal at the US Open in Chambers Bay, just barely south of Tacoma.  My shifts are one Monday, Thursday, and Saturday.  I have the other days to hang out at the Open and spectate but I just might drive north for a little hike on Wednesday.  I don’t want to get out of shape for what promises to be a super-steep on on Monday, June 29 to Vesper Peak.